Nick Urankar is the 2018 TFX Pro Mens Champ. Prior to that, he stood on the TFX podium the two previous years, and he won the TFX Online Qualifier . . . for three consecutive years. In March Nick placed 16th in the world in the CrossFit Games Open.
In this interview you’ll learn how Nick manages running two CrossFit gyms, training as a top level athlete, and balancing family life. Find out the changes Nick implemented to be present in his workouts and present at home with his daughters and wife, plus some advice for anyone that wants to compete.
*We had several technical difficulties throughout the interview, hence the somewhat sudden cuts in the video. There are still a few interruptions in the sound quality of the interview, but what Nick shares is nevertheless powerful so we left as much in as we could. Thanks to Nick for being a good sport and just rolling with it.